Jumat, 12 November 2021

Film Melaung: Already a Rape Victim, Still Blamed

 Being a victim is not easy, let alone being a victim of rape. This is clearly illustrated in the short film Melaung which airs on Go Play.

What does it mean to be a victim of crime? According to the draft UN Convention on Justice and Support for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power prepared by the World Society of Victimology, a victim is a person who suffers harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss, or a violation of rights. This definition of victim is very broad, but it focuses on one thing: suffer losses.

read also: https://m.mydigoo.com/forums-topicdetail-359056.html

Unfortunately, being a victim is not easy. In addition to having to prove that the victim suffered a loss, the victim must also disclose the "degree of guilt" or involvement in causing a crime to occur.

Beniamin Mendelsohn said that based on the degree of guilt, victims were divided into six types, namely:

1. A completely innocent victim

2. Koban has a few mistakes due to ignorance

3. The victim's mistake is the same as that of the perpetrator

4. The victim is more guilty than the perpetrator

5. The victim himself has the fault/most guilty

6. Imaginative victim

The short film Melaung attempts to highlight the difficulty of being a victim, especially when there is gender bias and cases that are difficult to prove. Gilang (Bismo Satrio) comes to the police station with a swollen face and bruises. Instead of sympathy, Ida, the policewoman assigned to record Gilang's report, did not believe Gilang's story. How come? Gilang reported that he had just been raped last night by three women.

This is where judgment begins. The police, who are supposed to protect the community and be objective, actually show distrust of Gilang's story. Some of the words that Ida said even cornered and questioned the truth of Gilang's story.

This can also be based on the fact that the definition of rape according to Article 28 of the Criminal Code is very narrow. According to the law, rape is an act of sexual intercourse based on threats or violence committed against a woman who is not a legal wife. By using this definition, men cannot be victims of rape. Therefore, what happened to Gilang could not have happened.

read also: https://theq.qcc.edu/ICS/Campus_Life/Campus_Groups/Nursing_112_2006/Group_Collaboration.jnz?portlet=%5bICS%5d_ForumPortlet&screen=PostView&screenType=change&id=9be16cad-6f0d-4b57-a299-a637d6d6e56f

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