Kamis, 14 April 2022

Swallow Review: A Psychological Thriller That's So Real

 Pica, a mental illness characterized by the consumption of inedible items and can cause internal injuries, even death. Some people with the disease consume metal, paper, glass, hair, and even soil on their own impulses.






Seeing how pica is often eaten by pregnant women, director and screenwriter Carlo Mirabella-Davis decided to make his own story for the big screen.

Hunter is a young woman who recently married and moved into a stately home with her wealthy husband, Richie. Coming from a lower-middle class family, Hunter has always maintained his demeanor and stated that he felt very lucky to be able to start a new life with Richie. However, pressure from her husband's family and lack of attention from Richie led her to do unexpected new things early in her pregnancy.






Simple, mind-blowing, and precise in every way. Maybe these three things can be felt from this film. Swallow tells the Hunter story through the simplicity that can be found in the protagonist's own profile. Smooth, soft-spoken, and without gaps, Hunter always played it safe in his new life. But when all the pressures and burdens from his childhood strike together, Hunter begins to do things that are very disturbing and uncomfortable to watch.






Everything in Swallow has just the right ratio, perfectly adequate without the slightest flaw. The cinematography taken by Katelin Arizmendi shows an upper class life that has no gaps and is full of sparkles. But when the camera is directed close-up to Hunter–which is accompanied by whispers in his head–the glint in the world seems to be instantly shattered in its falsehood.

The design of Swallow's production is also very impressive, not only because it shows a magnificent modern house with beautiful views, but also how Hunter and Richie's new house perfectly illustrates the isolation and gloom of Hunter's life at that time.






In one scene, Hunter says that he is happy because he doesn't have to work hard anymore just to live. After marrying Richie, she can live comfortably without any work, but she must forever be a trophy wife who looks and behaves well at all times.

Hunter has indeed managed to escape the torments of capitalism, but he only moves into a hole to be trapped in patriarchal torments in his marriage to Richie.

The thing that stands out the most in this film is the characterization of Hunter himself. Although not seen directly or as clearly as the sky, Hunter not only suffered from pica because of her pregnancy, but it was her pregnancy that evoked the trauma she had endured since childhood.

The unworthy feeling of being born as a child as a result of a rape case, coupled with her role in her own marriage that she has no control over. These things are depicted implicitly but are still very easy for the audience to catch.






Actress Haley Bennett deserves thumbs up for her performance as Hunter. With the direction of Carlo Mirabella-Davis, Hunter is described as an ideal wife who is very obedient and accepts all treatment towards her with her sweet smile.

But Haley Bennett's role in showing Hunter's discomfort through the flick of her eyelashes and changes in her posture really helps illustrate the problem at hand. Coupled with his cheerful behavior every time he swallowed a dangerous object. Hunter can change from a good girl to a 'not' okay girl.






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