Jumat, 17 Juni 2022

Olya Polyakova declassified why Vynnyk disappeared

 Singer Olya Polyakova, who is concerned about the disappearance of Oleg Vynnyk from public space, has declassified the reason for his silence. The actress said that he does not take an active part in the anti-war campaign for a serious reason. Olya believes that Vynnyk has health problems.

According to Polyakova, she spoke to Oleg on the phone after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They discussed joint creative plans and assistance to their country during the war. And after Easter Vynnyk disappeared from social networks.

"What I heard was that he had some serious health problems. Oleg and I talked at the beginning of the war and I know that we wanted to record some songs and that he was also very hurt by what was happening in Ukraine. I know this for sure, because I talked to him, " Olya said in a comment to ZhVL.

She suggests that Vynnyk has good reasons, since he is silent and advises to wait for the official statement of the artist.

"I don't know if I can say it or not, but I know he has health problems. I think let him publish this information himself, or some statements from me will start again , "Polyakova said.

While Oleg Vynnyk is silent, worried fans suggest that the artist could have gone to Germany, where he lived for a long time.

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