Jumat, 22 Juli 2022

Difference Between Major and Persistent Depression

 Depression is a mood disorder that is prone to be experienced. According to the Cleveland Clinic, nearly 7 percent of American adults experience depression each year. A ratio of 1 in 6 adults will experience depression in their lifetime. There are several types of depression.

Types of depression

1. Major depression

When a person experiences persistent and intense feelings of sadness for a long time, major depressive disorder (MDD) is possible. Major depression affects various aspects of a person's life, disrupting mood, behavior, bodily functions, appetite and sleep quality. Citing Healthline , the hallmark of symptoms of major depression is characterized by changes in self-function, loss of interest or pleasure.

The symptoms are experienced five or more over two weeks. Feeling sad or irritable most of the day. This depressive tendency to lose interest in activities that are usually enjoyed.

Changes in appetite that affect weight and insomnia are also signs of it. The desire to sleep longer than usual is also a feeling of restlessness and this is a symptom of depression. There is a feeling of worthlessness and guilt and difficulty concentrating. There is a tendency to want to sleep longer than usual. This condition of depression leads to the desire to hurt oneself.

Depression is also prone to affect the level of consumption of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. In education, it is also vulnerable to lowering academic achievement and having problems in social interactions

2. Persistent depression

According to the Mayo Clinic, persistent depression is also known as dysthymia. This depressive disorder is long-term and ongoing. This condition causes loss of interest in normal daily activities, irritability, impaired appetite, insomnia or sleeping too much. Symptoms are the same as those of major depression.

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However, this depression tends to over the years significantly interfere with relationships with other people, education, work, and daily activities.

Referring to Medical News Today , persistent depression is influenced by environmental, psychological, serious medical conditions, such as diabetes and cancer. Personal or family history of depression, trauma or severe stress, use of certain drugs also affect this mood disorder .

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