Senin, 27 Juni 2022

Brutal attack by the trans Jedet on Irene Montero: "He wants to be cool but he's making a mess of us"

 The artist did not cut herself in an interview with Sindy Takanashi, a renowned feminist

Jedet, one of the most important trans icons in our country.

Over the last few years, J edet has become one of the most important trans icons in our country. Her complete physical transition into a woman's body has been a real victory not only for her, but for thousands of trans women who aspire to be in their proper body.

The artist has been claiming trans rights for years , either through networks, public statements or her own art, since she makes music and is an actress. Her performance as Cristina La Veneno on the Javis series 'Veneno' earned her a lot of notoriety and well-deserved awards.

Such is his current popularity that in the last month we could see him posting photos with Dua Lipa herself, almost nothing. However, in the last few hours, the artist has gone viral due to harsh criticism leveled at Irene Montero , Minister for Equality of the Government of Spain.

Jedet, hard with Montero: "Trans Law now, but one with consistency"

The singer and actress recently went to Atresplayer's 'Las Nails' program to be interviewed by the renowned feminist Sindy Katanashi. Once they sat down and entered into the matter, Jedet brought out all the heavy artillery, harshly attacking the current wording of the Trans Law promoted by Irene Montero and United We Can.

This was complete criticism, shared by Katanashi: "Trans Law now, but, one with consistency, because here four fucking fools come to me and I'm going to say whatever comes out of my pussy, look, I'm not going to censor myself. They come here those of the little color (purple) of the party, come to me from hypermoderns, and what my group does not realize is that they are being used as sheep to come to power . Irene Montero the only thing she wants to wear is the progressive pin, she wants to be cool, she wants to look how modern and inclusive I am and what you are doing to me and to my group is a bitch ".

His solution to this problem, to rewrite the Law with more transsexual people involved: "Why don't you do the trans law with me? Stand by me, or with more trans people, we're going to do it among ourselves ".

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