Selasa, 28 Juni 2022

Shakira's response to Jimmy Fallon on whether 'Te Felicito' is about Gerard Piqué

 The singer talked about how the video clip was made

Shakira's response to Jimmy Fallon on whether 'I congratulate you'  about...

The breakup of Shakira and Gerard Piqué has caused a real media tsunami in recent weeks and it is logical in a way, since it is one of the most famous couples of the last decade.

They fell in love with a song, 'Waka Waka', they renewed their vows with 'Me Enamoré' and finally, they confirmed their separation in 'Te Felicito', a song with many hints towards what could be the reasons why the relationship stopped. function.

However, despite the supposed verses of the Colombian dedicated to her ex, the singer wanted to clarify everything about "I congratulate you" on the Jimmy Fallon show.

Shakira señala a los familiares que le ayudaron con 'Te Felicito'

Sorprendentemente, fueron sus hijos, Milán y Sasha, los que ayudaron a la cantante con la conceptualización del videoclip de 'Te Felicito', el último hit de la de Barranquilla con Rauw Alejandro, que ya acumula cientos de millones de reproducciones en plataformas digitales.

This is how Shakira explained last night on the Jimmy Fallon show the origin of the song and its video clip: "To make the video, I told my children to close their eyes while they listened to the song, then they would have to explore and say what came to them came to mind as they listened to it. Two main ideas came out , the first to dance with a robot, and the second to have a green llama."

So, after pointing out everything that came to his children's minds, he spoke with the official director of the video clip, Jaume de Laiguana, who was totally pleased with the concept.

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